Expand Your Marketing Reach With Paid Media


Every business owner knows that advertising is a huge part of growing a business from the ground up. Very rarely will you receive organic traffic to your website without putting resources into marketing and getting your name out there. One of the easiest ways to directly drive traffic to your business is paid media or paid advertising. By putting your money into high-quality, outstanding ads, you can see your investments quickly turn into real-life buyers and visitors. So, how do you get started in the expansive world of paid media? Let us help you out!


Paid Advertising is Key to Reaching Your Target Audience


Clearly, paid advertising is not confined to just a single platform. From Google Ads to link outreach campaigns, there are endless elements that can feed into getting your business results. At McGRAW, we pride ourselves on our extensive experience in many different styles of paid advertising. Whether it be a general ad for your services or more of a directed ad, you need the right experience to know where your media will get the most attention. Our experts can help you every step of the way to develop paid ads that get you the attention and conversions you aim for.


Let Our Team Boost Your Paid Media’s Quality and Influence


When it comes to paid media, there are several different directions to push your business into. The more channels you utilize to advertise your services, the more conversions and impressions you have access to. McGRAW works to provide you with several different types of paid media services, including:


  • Paid Search Campaign Creation, Implementation, and Management

If you are new to the paid advertising world and don’t know where to begin, don’t worry about a thing! Out experts at McGRAW are more than happy to build you a paid search campaign from the ground up. Additionally, we will seamlessly launch, test, and manage your ad campaign so that you can stick to doing what you do best for your business.


  • PPC Campaigns

PPC campaigns are one of the most popular ways of advertising, ensuring that you only pay for the visitors who actually click on your ad. While these campaigns can be a bit confusing to put together, our experts have extensive experience in how to get the most out of a PPC campaign at the lowest cost to you.


  • Search Engine Marketing

It’s obvious that search engines are the most-visited parts of the internet, making them the perfect place for you to promote your business. Let the SEO experts at McGRAW leverage the power of search engines to get you more clicks, more conversions, and more client base growth.


  • Google Adwords

Advertising your business on Google is a must, but creating a successful Google Adwords strategy can be a confusing process. With extensive experience in the Adwords platform, you can rest assured that you’ll see results when McGRAW manages your ongoing Google Adwords campaign.


  • Keyword Research

To have excellent paid ads, you need to develop a top-notch keyword strategy. Leave the hard work to us as we research which unique keywords will make your ads stand out to Google and various other search engines.


  • B2B/B2C Strategies

Here at McGRAW, we strive to use our skills to help grow several different kinds of businesses while using a variety of strategies. Every business is different, and we aim to create a strategy customized to any client we have. Furthermore, we understand the fundamental differences between advertising to other businesses and advertising to customers, so we can launch successful campaigns centered around either B2B or B2C strategies.


What Makes McGRAW’s Paid Media Services Different?


So, what does it take to implement a fantastic paid advertising strategy? You may think that anyone can easily make a Google Ad campaign and get results, but a successful paid advertising campaign is much more than just spreading your link around at the mercy of an algorithm.

At McGRAW, we believe in pursuing several different avenues in order to reach the most people in your target market. We know that paid media is more than just the text, and we work directly with our clients’ vision to make the most appealing, targeted, and profitable paid advertising campaigns. We put the work into your ad campaign content so you can focus on taking care of the resulting new customers and leads. We aim to help all of our clients take the guesswork out of paid marketing, no matter what their industry or advertising budget.

Without a doubt, our experienced team here at McGRAW has created our fair share of successful paid advertising campaigns for companies all over the country, so why not let yours be next?


Watch Our Paid Media Expertise Work For You Today


Between brainstorming, creation, implementation, and regular maintenance, it’s obvious that lots of time and effort go into a successful paid advertising campaign. Instead of taking time out of your valuable workday, why not let the experts at McGRAW help in meeting your business growth goals? With a team of experienced marketing professionals on your side, your business is sure to see growth!

We offer a vast array of paid media services to keep your ads on track and we specialize in making custom packages depending on your business needs. We’ve spent a long time in the business of helping businesses just like yours grow, so reach out to us today! Give us a call at 1-(888)-343-3165 or email us at info@mcgrawnow.com. We look forward to working with you and helping you grow your business.